About Me

How This All Started

I consider myself a city girl.  I grew up about 20 minutes outside New York City and never envisioned myself starting a blog about camping.  Sure, my grandparents would take us on vacation in the summers and try to expose us to nature and stuff like that, but I would prefer a hotel and an island any day.

Fast forward to having kids.

We moved away from the city life and landed near the beach.  You would think we were moving to the other side of the globe when we told our families and friends.  However, we understand that it’s tough for people to travel for things like birthdays…we get that.  So we created a family tradition.  Instead of having a lavish birthday party for our kids, they get to pick where we go on vacation.  Sounds cool, right?  Disney? Sure.  Indoor water park? OK! Legoland?  You got it!


So my daughter watches an episode of Peppa Pig and decides she wants to go on a camping trip for her birthday.  Oookayyy.

So like any supermom would do, to Amazon I go.  I get all kinds of camping gear.  A tent big enough to fit 10 people (we are a family of 4), a screen house, lanterns, camping fans (it was June), a travel grill, air mattresses, you name it.

I would only agree to camp near the beach or at a “fancy” campground.  (i.e. Disney)

I was used to the beach.  We live near the beach.  I love sand and waves and what not.  And I love Disney. I was not doing the woods.  Too many animals and bugs.  No thank you.

So we pack up the car and move our way down the East Coast towards Florida.

It was hot, and it rained…it took some getting used to, but we did it.  And we had FUN.

Fast forward to the fall and the kids want to go camping again.  “Sure!” we say…

This time we made our way towards upstate New York.

While the weather was cooler, my husband popped 3 air mattresses that weekend and swore he wouldn’t camp in a tent again.  “If we are going to keep doing this, we need to get one of those campers.”

This is something we knew NOTHING about, and besides, we didn’t have a truck that could tow that kind of weight.

Funny how things work out because our car had a “system malfunction” on the way home and we had to bring it to the dealer for a recall.  On the way out of the dealership, there was a sign.  “Interested in a new truck?  Come in and see Molly.”

We left with an SUV that can tow that day.

…and the following weekend, we came home with our first travel trailer.

…and almost three years later, here we are.

Our friends and family still do not believe it.  But yet here we are, living our best life vacationing in the camper.

I hope you follow along and laugh and learn with us.



  • Aunt Val

    Spirit whispered into your daughter’s ear…..”camping is fun”, and a new generation of campers was created! There is nothing better than to see our country by camping your way through it….to sleep among the pines, to inhale the scent of earth as it begins to rain, to see the mountains in the distance and then actually arrive at the foot of them many hours later (Kansas was flat, but the Rocky Mountains loomed on the horizon), to arrive at a campsite and meet local people who are happy to meet you….(outside of New Jersey people think we’re either Jersey Shore characters or Soprano characters, they don’t realize we have shared values with the rest of the country)…..Camping allows you freedom….you’re not tied to an airport schedule, or a hotel arrival time….the day is yours to enjoy! You are so blessed to have these travels to look forward to and to remember for the rest of your life. I still have my favorite states….New Hampshire with wild strawberries at the side of the road….Colorado with snow on the mountain top in July…..Vermont, Tennessee, and Kentucky for their green green green…..and of course New Jersey, because we have city, shore and farms in one small state!

  • Aunt Val

    P.S. By the time you came along Grandpa had given up on the campsites with outhouses…,,it took some time, but he finally realized that the girls needed flushing toilets……we weren’t good with killing the spiders and flys just to go to the bathroom! Campsites with toilets, showers and built in pools were like heaven….and we always spotted the best looking boys on the walk back to our campsite from the bathroom.