My Favorite Things

My Favorite Essential Oil Items

‘Tis the season of colds and flu and here I am with my oils trying to build up everyone’s immunity in the house. Here are a few of my favorite blends and items I use to keep it all together.

First of all, I am no means a doctor or medical professional. Do with this information what you will…

I am a huge fan of doTerra. This is where I order all my oils from. I have become a consultant to get the best pricing and order ALL THE OILS possible. If you interested in taking a look and shopping around without any commitment, take a look here:

If you’re interested in joining my team, send me a message!


Give me all the roller balls!!! I love to make blends and top them off with fractionated coconut oil and put them in a roller ball to use on a whim. I ordered these because I love the amber color. I also put these labels on them because it looks so pretty!

I’ve been using the OnGuard cleaner in a glass bottle all over the house. I don’t know if I’m supposed to use it on all surfaces, so I would check it out before using it. However, I personally use it on stainless steel, countertops, wood, walls, sinks, toilets, you name it. It cleans so nicely and smells like cloves. It is super concentrated…so more is not better with this one!!! I learned this the hard way because it was leaving a soapy film on my desk at work when I first started using it. Here are the pretty glass bottles I ordered to make my cleaning concoctions. I’be used the small ones to make travel cleaners (you never know where you might need to wipe something down!) and also sanitizers with oils and witch hazel. This kit comes with a “key” to open the tops of the oil bottles and little funnels which are super helpful when trying to pour. It also comes with labels so you know what you put inside.


I usually search on Pinterest to search for blends. Feel free to follow me! (Look for the “oils” board). There are so many different blends to try and I’m learning as I go.

What’s super important to understand is how to “use” the oils. In the diffuser, water is added. In the rollerball, there is usually a “carrier oil” that is added before you put it on your skin. Be sure to follow the directions for the recipe you are using.

My favorite blend right now to build up immunity and fall asleep is in the diffuser. I put 2 drops of OnGuard and 3 drops of Breathe into the diffuser at night. It smells like a clove/cinnamon/peppermint/cardamom sort of scent.

I also take a about 15 drops of Breathe and top it off with fractionated coconut oil (FCO) and put it in a rollerball for the kids. My daughter sleeps with OnGuard every night and then I roll the Breathe rollerball on her feet and on her chest when she has cold symptoms. (Like right now…). I’ve also done this with about 10 drops of Breathe, 10 drops of Frankincense and 5 of peppermint.

When I’m having a crazy day at work, I like to roll my “calm” blend. I’ve also seen this called “liquid Xanax” and honestly, it calms me right away. It’s a spicy blend and I put it right on my wrists and inhale. This blend is 10 Balance, 10 Serenity, and 5 Vetiver topped off with FCO.

I gave a friend a rollerball last week who needed help staying awake while reading for her PhD. I used 15 drops of peppermint and 15 drops of Wild Orange topped with the FCO. She liked it not only for the energy, but also for her sinuses when they got congested!

Of course I have to keep this all in a nice, organized, manner. So I keep it all in this box. It’s awesome because you can remove sections inside and customize how you want.

I also just bought this necklace and I cannot WAIT to use it! A coworker of mine has one and it’s so pretty and gives off just a little scent of whatever oil you add to the felt inside.

Are you into oils? Are there any blends that you want to share? Feel free to add it in the comments below!