My Favorite Things

”Slinging Products”

Slinging products…This is what Chris (AKA Bougie Daddy AKA The Overweight Adventurer-self penned) calls what I like to do.

I say I’m sharing things I like with others.

Not to get all Bougie on you, but people ask me for my suggestions. They ask what products I use or where I bought something. I love that! I love sharing! And I would like to say they listen because I don’t “BS” anyone. If I don’t like something, I say it. If I love something, I share.

This is part of the reason I started this blog/instagram journey. To share with others. Products, camp grounds, vacations, whatever!

Believe me…I would LOVE to get paid for ads and collaboration, but I would only do it if I loved the product.

Promise: I will not promote things I don’t actually use and/or love. I’m not just “slinging products” like Chris calls it. 🙄

A few weeks ago I posted on Facebook and Instagram that I was obsessed with Grove Collaborative. I saw an ad on Instagram from an influencer I follow to sign up to be a VIP and get a free gift. I tried the service and I’m hooked.

Small disclosure: I was diagnosed with multiple autoimmune diseases a few years ago after being diagnosed with Lyme disease. (Ironically this was BEFORE I started going camping. 🤦🏼‍♀️Who would have thought? 😂) So I try to buy natural food, products, etc for my family and house in an attempt to keep optimum health over here.

So, now I buy all my cleaning products from Grove and they are cheaper than the stores near me. Every time I use the Pear Agave Calandra cleaning spray someone comments about the amazing smell. I have one at work, one in the camper, and two in the house. No joke. Obsessed.

And don’t get me started about my water pitcher for the camper…

So if you want to try or check it out and get a free gift, here’s a link. (The gift is definitely worth it.)

So…My new obsession? Essential oils.

Well, a renewed love for essential oils.

I used to think I knew about essential oils. I would buy them, but cheap. I didn’t realize the difference. Then I was at acupuncture a few weeks ago and started talking about actual essential oils and the benefits and the cons of buying them cheap. Interestingly enough, that night I was on Instagram and someone I follow posted about the doTERRA brand. That was the second time that day it was in my head.

I put it aside in my brain and then mentioned the brand to my friend. She was having the same thoughts about getting them too!

A few days later I decided to contact this person on Instagram (who I didn’t even know!) and inquire. I decided to give them a try and become an “advocate” so I can buy discounted and sell if I choose to.

My oils came a week later.

Sniffles also came a week later. Cue, “back to school germs.”

My kids have had oil diffusers in their rooms for years. My daughter puts lavender in hers before bed every night and prefers the pink glow as her nightlight.

My son just likes the blue glow. No oils needed. UNLESS he’s congested. Then I get, “Mommy, I need the oils.”

My daughter came home with a low fever and a runny nose. She felt crummy. Obviously I wasn’t thrilled about that, but what I was thrilled about was to put my oils to the test.

That night, I put the OnGuard blend in her diffuser. She loved that it smells like “fall.” The next morning, no fever and felt better. Night two, same thing, and day three NO MORE RUNNY NOSE.

Say, whaaaaaat? 😲

No way. “Coincidence” I say.

Next day, my son has a runny nose so bad his nose is red.

First night, “No oils, mom. I’m fine.” 🙄

Second night, “Mommy, I need the oils.”


Next day. Miracle. Mostly better.

Two nights with the oils and now they’ve wanted them all week to “prevent” the sniffles from coming back.

Cue the naysayer chiming in that we “need those in our room now.”

Of course we do.

So I’m here to say it worked for us and I will be purchasing more.

The thing that amazes me the most is that with the cheap oils, I have to use 5 or more drops in the diffuser to even smell them. With these? It’s one or two drops and they are strong!!!

Not slinging, just sharing.

If you want to check them out, here’s a link to my doTERRA page. If you use them and love, feel free to comment!


The Bougie Camper

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